
Punjab Govt Exam Preparation

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Punjab Govt Exam Preparation

Preparation for all Punjab Govt. Exam by Subject Experts

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  • 500+ Hours Of Live Interactive Classes 9000+ Practice Questions For Self Assessment 60+ Full Length MockTests 35+ P...


10 sections • 186 lectures • 63h 03m total length
One Word Substitution Part 4 - Lecture 11
VOCABULARY Relevance of Vocabulary Words constitute the elan vital of language. A speech or a written passage, however short or large, is es sentially a group sentences and a sentence, in its turn, is a group of words. A rich stock of words thus becomes quite logically an essential prerequisite of language ability development. All competitive examinations take a direct test of vocabulary under items like Synonym, Antonym, Sentence Comple tion and Cloze Test. Besides, Comprehension and Sentence Arrangement require indirectly a competent understanding of words, their meaning, nuances and usage. One word substitution Substitution is also a variant of vocabulary test. In this test, you are required to use one word for a sentence or a part of a sentence. There are certain specific words that stand for a group of words or indicate a place, a situation or state of mind.
Selecting Words Part 1 - Lecture 12
Selecting words Selecting words or sentence completion is one of the most important tests designed to assess the vocabulary skills of candidates. In a sentence, one or two blanks are left out to be filled with one of the alternatives given below it. Of course, it is basically a vocabulary test, but it requires, on the part of the students or examinees, an understanding of the basic rules of grammar-Like parts of speech, tense form, verb form etc. to make a correct choice. Let us examine a few such sentences: Examples One Sentence One Blank Although he was a hardened criminal, his one.…........ feature was his love. (a) saving. (b) redeeming (c) recovering (d)acquiring The answer is (b).
Selecting Words Part 2 - Lecture 13
Selecting words Selecting words or sentence completion is one of the most important tests designed to assess the vocabulary skills of candidates. In a sentence, one or two blanks are left out to be filled with one of the alternatives given below it. Of course, it is basically a vocabulary test, but it requires, on the part of the students or examinees, an understanding of the basic rules of grammar-Like parts of speech, tense form, verb form etc. to make a correct choice. Let us examine a few such sentences: Examples One Sentence One Blank Although he was a hardened criminal, his one.…........ feature was his love. (a) saving. (b) redeeming (c) recovering (d)acquiring The answer is (b).
Assignment Part 1 - Lecture 14
Assignment Part 2 - Lecture 15
Assignment Part 3 - Lecture 16
Assignment Part 4 - Lecture 17
Sentence improvement Sentence improvement is a common test and forms a part of almost all the important examinations that have objective English test on their syllabi. It requires an awareness of the basic rules of grammar-parts of speech,noun, pronoun, adjective, adverb, preposi tion, conjunction, genders, infinitives, participles, subject-verb accord, form of tenses, use of articles and certain exceptional usages. Hence, it is necessary that all candidates taking up these examinations brush up their essentials of grammar with the help of the grammar books that they have read at their intermediate level. After this initial exercise they should learn or revise the following rules that are given below in the form of practical tips with illustrative examples. The practice test must be done carefully and repeatedly to ensure full competence and confidence.
Sentence Improvement Part 1 - Lecture 18
Sentence correction or sentence improvement is a type of grammatical practice where a sentence is given with a word or a phrase that requires grammatical changes or improvement. A sentence requires modification grammatically and contextually to have a better understanding of the same.
Sentence Improvement Part 2 - Lecture 19
Sentence correction or sentence improvement is a type of grammatical practice where a sentence is given with a word or a phrase that requires grammatical changes or improvement. A sentence requires modification grammatically and contextually to have a better understanding of the same.
Spotting Errors Part 1 - Lecture 20
Spotting errors are asked in verbal reasoning. You need to spot sentences and error which are grammatically incorrect. This error can be anything. From noun to pronoun to singular/plural to word usage they can be anything.
Introductory - Lecture 1
English Introductory
SYNONYMS MCQ - Lecture 2
VOCABULARY Relevance of Vocabulary Words constitute the elanvital of language. A speech or a written passage, however short or large, is essentially a group sentences and a sentence, in its turn, is a group of words. A rich stock of words thus becomes quite logically an essential prerequisite of language ability development. All competitive examinations take a direct test of vocabulary under items like Synonym, Antonym, Sentence Completion and Cloze Test. Besides, Comprehension and Sentence Arrangement require indirectly a competent understanding of words, their meaning, nuances and usage.\ SYNONYM A synonym is a word which has the same, or nearly the same meaning which another word has. Let us look at some such words. 1. Choose word nearest in meaning to the given word. Fragile: (a) strong (c) weak (b) grave (d) showy The answer is (c), weak, as this is similar in meaning to fragile.
SYNONYMS MCQ - Lecture 3
VOCABULARY Relevance of Vocabulary Words constitute the elanvital of language. A speech or a written passage, however short or large, is essentially a group sentences and a sentence, in its turn, is a group of words. A rich stock of words thus becomes quite logically an essential prerequisite of language ability development. All competitive examinations take a direct test of vocabulary under items like Synonym, Antonym, Sentence Completion and Cloze Test. Besides, Comprehension and Sentence Arrangement require indirectly a competent understanding of words, their meaning, nuances and usage. SYNONYM A synonym is a word which has the same, or nearly the same meaning which another word has. Let us look at some such words. 1. Choose word nearest in meaning to the given word. Fragile: (a) strong (c) weak (b) grave (d) showy The answer is (c), weak, as this is similar in meaning to fragile.
SYNONYMS MCQ - Lecture 4
VOCABULARY Relevance of Vocabulary Words constitute the elanvital of language. A speech or a written passage, however short or large, is essentially a group sentences and a sentence, in its turn, is a group of words. A rich stock of words thus becomes quite logically an essential prerequisite of language ability development. All competitive examinations take a direct test of vocabulary under items like Synonym, Antonym, Sentence Completion and Cloze Test. Besides, Comprehension and Sentence Arrangement require indirectly a competent understanding of words, their meaning, nuances and usage. ANTONYM An antonym is a word which has the opposite, or nearly the opposite meaning of the given word. Examples A. Choose the word opposite in meaning to the given word. 1. Profane (a) beautiful (c) glorious (b) sacred. (d) insane The answer is (b), sacred. The test can be given directly as shown above or at times through a sentence.
ANTONYMS MCQ - Lecture 5
VOCABULARY Relevance of Vocabulary Words constitute the elanvital of language. A speech or a written passage, however short or large, is essentially a group sentences and a sentence, in its turn, is a group of words. A rich stock of words thus becomes quite logically an essential prerequisite of language ability development. All competitive examinations take a direct test of vocabulary under items like Synonym, Antonym, Sentence Completion and Cloze Test. Besides, Comprehension and Sentence Arrangement require indirectly a competent understanding of words, their meaning, nuances and usage. ANTONYM An antonym is a word which has the opposite, or nearly the opposite meaning of the given word. Examples A. Choose the word opposite in meaning to the given word. 1. Profane (a) beautiful (c) glorious (b) sacred. (d) insane The answer is (b), sacred. The test can be given directly as shown above or at times through a sentence.
ANTONYMS MCQ - Lecture 6
VOCABULARY Relevance of Vocabulary Words constitute the elanvital of language. A speech or a written passage, however short or large, is essentially a group sentences and a sentence, in its turn, is a group of words. A rich stock of words thus becomes quite logically an essential prerequisite of language ability development. All competitive examinations take a direct test of vocabulary under items like Synonym, Antonym, Sentence Completion and Cloze Test. Besides, Comprehension and Sentence Arrangement require indirectly a competent understanding of words, their meaning, nuances and usage. ANTONYM An antonym is a word which has the opposite, or nearly the opposite meaning of the given word. Examples A. Choose the word opposite in meaning to the given word. 1. Profane (a) beautiful (c) glorious (b) sacred. (d) insane The answer is (b), sacred. The test can be given directly as shown above or at times through a sentence.
Antonyms MCQ - Lecture 7
VOCABULARY Relevance of Vocabulary Words constitute the elanvital of language. A speech or a written passage, however short or large, is essentially a group sentences and a sentence, in its turn, is a group of words. A rich stock of words thus becomes quite logically an essential prerequisite of language ability development. All competitive examinations take a direct test of vocabulary under items like Synonym, Antonym, Sentence Completion and Cloze Test. Besides, Comprehension and Sentence Arrangement require indirectly a competent understanding of words, their meaning, nuances and usage. ANTONYM An antonym is a word which has the opposite, or nearly the opposite meaning of the given word. Examples A. Choose the word opposite in meaning to the given word. 1. Profane (a) beautiful (c) glorious (b) sacred. (d) insane The answer is (b), sacred. The test can be given directly as shown above or at times through a sentence.
One Word Substitution Part 1 - Lecture 8
VOCABULARY Relevance of Vocabulary Words constitute the elan vital of language. A speech or a written passage, however short or large, is es sentially a group sentences and a sentence, in its turn, is a group of words. A rich stock of words thus becomes quite logically an essential prerequisite of language ability development. All competitive examinations take a direct test of vocabulary under items like Synonym, Antonym, Sentence Comple tion and Cloze Test. Besides, Comprehension and Sentence Arrangement require indirectly a competent understanding of words, their meaning, nuances and usage. One word substitution Substitution is also a variant of vocabulary test. In this test, you are required to use one word for a sentence or a part of a sentence. There are certain specific words that stand for a group of words or indicate a place, a situation or state of mind.
One Word Substitution Part 2 - Lecture 9
VOCABULARY Relevance of Vocabulary Words constitute the elan vital of language. A speech or a written passage, however short or large, is es sentially a group sentences and a sentence, in its turn, is a group of words. A rich stock of words thus becomes quite logically an essential prerequisite of language ability development. All competitive examinations take a direct test of vocabulary under items like Synonym, Antonym, Sentence Comple tion and Cloze Test. Besides, Comprehension and Sentence Arrangement require indirectly a competent understanding of words, their meaning, nuances and usage. One word substitution Substitution is also a variant of vocabulary test. In this test, you are required to use one word for a sentence or a part of a sentence. There are certain specific words that stand for a group of words or indicate a place, a situation or state of mind.
One Word Substitution Part 3- Lecture 10
VOCABULARY Relevance of Vocabulary Words constitute the elan vital of language. A speech or a written passage, however short or large, is es sentially a group sentences and a sentence, in its turn, is a group of words. A rich stock of words thus becomes quite logically an essential prerequisite of language ability development. All competitive examinations take a direct test of vocabulary under items like Synonym, Antonym, Sentence Comple tion and Cloze Test. Besides, Comprehension and Sentence Arrangement require indirectly a competent understanding of words, their meaning, nuances and usage. One word substitution Substitution is also a variant of vocabulary test. In this test, you are required to use one word for a sentence or a part of a sentence. There are certain specific words that stand for a group of words or indicate a place, a situation or state of mind.
Spotting Errors Part 2 - Lecture 21
Spotting errors are asked in verbal reasoning. You need to spot sentences and error which are grammatically incorrect. This error can be anything. From noun to pronoun to singular/plural to word usage they can be anything.
Mis - Spelt Part 1 - Lecture 22
Misspelt is defined as you spelled a word incorrectly. When you wrote down a word with an incorrect spelling, this is an example of a time when you misspelt the word.
Mis - Spelt Part 2 - Lecture 23
Misspelt is defined as you spelled a word incorrectly. When you wrote down a word with an incorrect spelling, this is an example of a time when you misspelt the word.
Idioms and Phrases Part 1 - Lecture 24
Idioms are expressions that mean something different from what the words actually say. For example, “I have a lot on my plate” means “I am very busy.” Phrases are just groups of words that make up an idiom. There are thousands of idiomatic expressions in English, and new ones are being created all the time.
Idioms and Phrases Part 2 - Lecture 25
Idioms are expressions that mean something different from what the words actually say. For example, “I have a lot on my plate” means “I am very busy.” Phrases are just groups of words that make up an idiom. There are thousands of idiomatic expressions in English, and new ones are being created all the time.
Comprehension - Lecture 26
Comprehension is the understanding and interpretation of what is read. To be able to accurately understand written material, children need to be able to (1) decode what they read; (2) make connections between what they read and what they already know; and (3) think deeply about what they have read.
Cloze test Part 1 - Lecture 27
A cloze test (also cloze deletion test or occlusion test) is an exercise, test, or assessment consisting of a portion of language with certain items, words, or signs removed (cloze text), where the participant is asked to replace the missing language item.
Cloze test 2 - Lecture 28
A cloze test (also cloze deletion test or occlusion test) is an exercise, test, or assessment consisting of a portion of language with certain items, words, or signs removed (cloze text), where the participant is asked to replace the missing language item.
Indian Polity - Lecture 1
In this lecture on Indian Polity, we will learn about the Constitutional History of India along with the Wavell Plane, interim government, Framing of the Constitution, members of constituent assembly and borrowed features of the Constitution of India. It is very important topic for the Central Government exams and State Government exams.
Indian Polity - Lecture 2
It is the second lecture on Indian Polity. In this lecture, we will learn about The Preamble, Characteristics of Indian Constitution along with Unitary Constitution features and Federal Constitution features. This topic is very important for the Central Government Exams and State Government Exams.
Indian Polity -Lecture 3
It is the third lecture on Indian Polity in which we will learn about the National Symbols i.e. National Flag, National Emblem, National Anthem, National Song, National Calendar, National Animal, National Bird, National Tree, National Aquatic Animal, National River, National Fruit, National Flower, National Heritage Animal and National Reptile. It is an important topic for the Central Government exams and State Government exams.
Indian Polity - Lecture 4
In this fourth lecture on Indian Polity, we will study about the schedules of Indian Constitution. Indian Constitution has 12 schedules. In this lecture, we will study in detail about the First schedule, Second schedule, Third schedule, Fourth schedule, Fifth schedule, Sixth schedule and Seventh schedule. The Schedules of Indian Constitutions are very important for the Central Government exams and State Government exams.
Indian Polity - Lecture 5
Indian polity is very important and vast topic. This is the fifth lecture on Indian Polity, in which we will learn about the Eighth schedule, Ninth schedule, Tenth schedule, Eleventh schedule and Twelfth schedule of Indian Constitution. These schedules are very important for all central government and state government exams.
Indian Polity - Lecture 6
Indian Polity is a major topic for all the Central Government exams and State Government exams. In this sixth lecture of Indian Polity, we will study about the Articles of the Constitution of India. This lecture will cover the Part 1 which includes the Articles 1 to 4 and Part 2 which include the Articles 5 to 11.
Indian Polity - Lecture 7
In this seventh lecture on Indian Polity, we will learn about the Part 3 of Indian constitution. This lecture will cover the Articles from 14 to 24 which are related to the different rights of citizens of India. This topic is very important for the preparation of all Central Government exams and State Government exams.
Indian polity - Lecture 8
This is the Eighth lecture on Indian Polity in which we will study about the Articles of Indian Constitution from Article 25 to Article 32. These articles cover the different rights of Indian Citizens which are very important to be studied for the preparation of different government exams of Central and State level.
Indain Polity - Lecture 9
Indian Polity is a very important topic to cover while preparing for any State Government and Central Government exam. In the Ninth lecture on Indian Polity, we will study about the Part 6 of articles of constitution which includes Article 36 to Articles 51. We will also discuss about the difference between the Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles.
Indian Polity - Lecture 10
included in Part 4 (A). Fundamental duties are important part of Constitution of India. It is also very important topic In this lecture on Indian Polity, we will learn about the Fundamental Duties of citizens of India which are for the exams of Center level and State level.
Indian Polity - Lecture 11
This is the 11th lecture on Indian Polity in which we will study about the Part 5 of Indian Constitution in which we will study about the Union Government and the President. We will also learn about the power qualifications required, the election process and terms of office of the President. Indian Polity is an important subject for the preparation of State Government exams and Central Government exams.
Indian Polity- Lecture 12
In this lecture of Indian Polity, we will study about the Powers and Functions of President which will include Executive Powers, Legislative Powers, Judicial Powers, Diplomatic Powers, Military powers and Emergency Powers. We will also discuss about some important facts about the Presidents of India. This lecture is very helpful while preparing for the State Government exam and Central Government exams.
Indian Polity - Lecture 13
Indian Polity is a very vast and important topic to be covered while preparing for UPSC, SSC, CDS, NDA, CTET, PTET and many other state government and Central government exams. In this lecture, we will learn about The Vice-President, Qualifications needed to be Vice-President, Term and removal of Vice-President. We will also learn about The Prime Minister. These topics are important for every competitive exam.
Indian Polity - Lecture 14
Indian Polity is very important subject to study while preparing for UPSC, CDS, NDA, SSC, TET and IAS exams. In this lecture, we will study about the Parliament and of its two houses i.e. Rajya Sabha, the members of Rajya Sabha, Speaker and the powers and functions of Speaker. We will also discuss about the important facts regarding Lok Sabha.
Indian Polity - Lecture 15
In lecture 15 on Indian Polity, we will learn about the special powers of Lok Sabha and its members of different states. We will also study in detail about the Rajya sabha and its special powers. Indian Polity is a major subject for civil services exams and also for SSC and TET. So, topic is important for the preparation of civil service exams and any state or central government exams.
Indian Polity - Lecture 16
In this lecture, we will study in depth about the different sessions of Parliament. We will discuss about the different times when the sessions are conducted. This lecture will also include the detailed study of proceedings of the Parliament and the conduct of Business in the Parliament. It is very important topic for the preparation of UPSC and other civil services exams and also for the Teaching Eligibility Exam.
Indian Polity - Lecture 17
Indian Polity is the study of the constitution of India which is an important part to be studied while preparing for any of the State government exams and Central government exams. In this lecture of Indian Polity, we will briefly study about the different accounts of government i.e. Consolidated fund, Contingency Fund and Public account. Along with this, we will also study about the states and state Executive under Part 6 of Articles of Constitution.
Indian Polity - Lecture 18
In this lecture, we will study in detail about the Legislative powers, Financial Powers, Judicial Powers, emergency powers and other important powers of Governor. Also, we will study about the Chief Minister along with Legislative Council and Legislative Assembly. This lecture will help you to learn about the strengths and term of Legislative Assembly and Legislative Council.
Indian Polity - Lecture 19
Indian Polity is a very important topic to be studied while preparing for TET, UPSC, SSC or any other State or Central government exam. In this lecture on Indian Polity, we will study about the judicial system, in which we will discuss in brief about the Supreme Court, its judges, their salary and tenure and also about Jurisdictions of the court.
Indian Polity - Lecture 20
In the 20th lecture on Indian Polity, we will learn about the Jurisdictions of Supreme Court such as advisory jurisdiction, Appellate Jurisdiction, Revisory Jurisdiction, Election Jurisdiction and Court of Record. We will also study about the High Courts and Appointment, term and removal of Chief Justice and Judges and Jurisdiction of High Court. All these topics are very important in term of preparation of State Government exams and Central Government Exams.
Indian polity - Lecture 21
In this lecture on Indian Polity, we will learn in details about the Finance Commission, its Composition and Functions; Attorney General and Comptroller & Auditor General of India. These topics are covered under Article 280 of Indian Constitution. These topics are very important to be studied while preparing for TET, UPSC and other competitive exams.
Indian Polity - Lecture 22
Part IX (Article 243) is an important Article of Indian Constitution. It deals with the Panchayats and Municipalities. In this lecture, we will learn about the Panchayats and Municipalities in brief along with the election process and duration. It is very important for the preparation of state government exams as well as Central government exams.
Indian Polity - Lecture 23
In the 23rd lecture of Indian polity, we will learn about the Articles from 308 to 329, the segments they deal with and the details of those departments. These Articles are some of the major Articles that are very important with respect to the preparation of TET, UPSC and Civil Services exams.
Indian Polity - Lecture 24
In this lecture on Indian Polity we will study about the Articles from 352 to 360 i.e. how emergencies are invoked in India. We will also discuss the major amendments done in the Indian Constitution from time to time for development of society. These amendments are very important as it also covers the major part of Political issues and Current affair section for many State and Central Government Exams.
Introductory (Reasoning) - Lecture 1
Introductory (Reasoning)
Number Series - Lecture 2
Number Series Number series is a sequential arrangement of numbers following a certain defined pattern. In this section, we deal with questions in which a series of numbers, (which are generally called the terms of the series) is given. These numbers/terms follow a certain pattern throughout the series. Candidates are asked either to find a missing term or to find the wrong term of the series.
Blood Relation - Lecture 3
Blood relation is an important topic for all sorts of competitive exams like Banking , SSC, RBI grade B , PSPCL, PPSC , Punjab Sub Inspector etc. It almost carries a weightage of 3 to 5 marks and may vary exam to exam. So, basically questions Blood relations involve analysis of certain blood relations and then inferring on the basis of the given information. In the questions , a chain of relationships is given in the form of information and on the basis of which, relation between any two members of the chain is asked. Following are some of the basic tricks which helps to solve blood relations questions easily and efficiently . After understanding the basic concept relation , Solve blood relations question in an MCQ format which helps you in exams.
Coding and Decoding - Lecture 4
Coding –decoding is one of the most important topic reasoning. It is repeatedly asked in competitive exams and also in AFPI. It carries a weightage of 2-3 marks. Generally, there are three different types of coding – decoding. • Pattern based • Direct based • Elimination based While solving questions of coding –decoding one should memorise alphabetical positions of alphabets from A to Z (1-26) and opposite pairs like B is opposite to Y.
Directions - Lecture 5
Direction is one of the most important topic of reasoning. Direction has its relevance in all types of competitive exam like banking exams, SSC, UPSC, PPSC, AFPI etc. The position towards which someone or something moves or faces is known as direction. Basically there are four main directions are: 1. North 2. South 3. East 4. West CARDINAL DIRECTION : A direction between two consecutive main directions is called sub or cardinal direction. 1. North-east 2. North-west 3. South-east 4. South-west Here, angle formed between two consecutive main directions is 90 degree and angle formed between cardinal and main direction is 45 degree.
Order and Ranking Lecture- 6
Order and ranking There are two types of ranking test in analytical reasoning: 1. Sequential Order of arrangement: In this type of questions, persons or objects are arranged based on the comparison of parameers such as age, marks, salary, weight etc. 2. Ranking: If a certain person sitting in a row, let L be the rank from left end and R be the rank from right end. Total = L+R-1
Missing number Series Lecture - 7
Missing number series is one such topic which has its importance in MRSAFPI Exam. It carries weight age of 3 marks. So, Below are basic tricks which can help you to solve questions based on number series. • Before solving questions always observe the flow of series whether it is increasing order or in decreasing order. • If there is gradual increase in series , then it has highly chances of addition. • If there is gradual decrease in series, then it has highly chances of subtraction • If there is huge increase in series then probably there would be multiplication or along with it addition and subtraction or square and cube. • If there is huge decrease in series then probably there would be division or along with it addition and subtraction or square and cube • Memorise square from 1 to 50 and cubes from 1 to 13. • One should good with tables as they can help a lot while solving questions.
Letter Series Lecture - 8
Letter series is series of alphabets which arranged in certain pattern . It is one of the easiest topic in reasoning which helps to score more in exam. To solve letter series one can take help of numeric postions of alphabets from A(1) TO Z(26). There are 10 MCQS given below on letter series for your practice.
Analogy Lecture -9
Analogy means similarity shared by two things that are compared. Questions on verbal analogy judge your ability to understand the diverse relationship between various elements, things etc. Analogy topic is an important topic of reasoning and it has its relevance in MRAFPI. Questions asked on analogy carries a weightage of 2-3 marks. There are three types of analogy : • Number based analogy questions • Alphabet based analogy questions • Vocab based analogy questions
Odd one Out Lecture -10
Odd one out / classification in these type of questions , a group of words , letters or numbers is given. On behalf of alphabetical values and their positions letters form a group same as numbers follow mathematical operations/ rules, hence form a group. Candidates are required to select the option which does not belong to that same group.
Symbol and Notation Lecture - 11
Symbol and Notation is one of the most scoring part of reasoning. In these type of questions, a mathematical equation is given with arthimetical notification. Candidates are required to solve these questions by using basic concept of BODMAS rule.
Logical Venn Diagram Lecture - 12
Logical venn-diagram is one of the important topic in non-verbal reasoning. It has important role in competitive exam like MRSAFPI and other sort of competitive exams. A venn diagram shows all possible relations among the given groups of elements in a single figure. The most common type of questions that we encounter in venn – diagram are based on circular venn diagrams.
Counting Figures Lecture - 13
Counting figure is an interesting topic of non-verbal reasoning. In this topic, one has to count number of triangles or square or rectangles in the given figure. If one knows certain basic tricks to count the figures then this topic can be scoring. For instance, counting the numbers of squares in figure one can easily take sum of squares of number of columns if number of rows and column are equal .
Cube And Dice Lecture - 14
Cube and Dice is one of the most important topic of non-verbal reasoning. Generally, questions asked on this topic are based on opposite and related side of a dice or cube. Candidates are required to relate the given dice and cube and transform the relation between more than once dice or cube. • Ordinary dice : A dice in which the total of two adjacent side equals to 7 , although the total opposite sides does not equal to 7. • Standard Dice : A dice in which total of two opposite sides equals to 7 although the total of two adjacent does not equal to 7.
Mirror & Water Image Lecture - 15
Mirror and Water image is an important topic of non- verbal reasoning. This is the most scoring topic also. It is based on basic concept of visualisation .
Sikh Gurus (History) - Lecture 19
Sikh in Punjabi means “learner,” and those who joined the Sikh community or Panth were people who sought spiritual guidance. Sikhs claim that their tradition has always been separate from Hinduism. All 10 human Gurus, Sikhs believe, were inhabited by a single spirit. Upon the death of the 10th, Guru Gobind Singh (1666–1708), the spirit of the eternal Guru transferred itself to the sacred scripture of Sikhism, Guru Granth Sahib.
Advent Of Europeans & Independent States (History) - Lecture 20
It was the Portuguese who first discovered a direct sea route to India. Portuguese sailor Vasco da Gama arrived at Calicut .Trading rivalries among the seafaring European powers brought other European powers to India. The Dutch Republic, England, France, and Denmark-Norway all established trading posts in India in the early 17th century.
Revolt Of 1857 (History) - Lecture 21
The Indian Mutiny of 1857-59 was a widespread but unsuccessful rebellion against the rule of British East India Company in India which functioned as a sovereign power on behalf of the British crown. The revolt is known by several names: the Sepoy Mutiny (by the British Historians), the Indian Mutiny, the Great Rebellion (by the Indian Historians), the Revolt of 1857, the Indian Insurrection, and the First War of Independence (by Vinayak Damodar Savarkar).
Governor General Of India (History) - Lecture 22
When East India Company came to India, it controlled Bengal through a post named as "Governor of Bengal "The first Governor of Bengal was Robert Clive. After the revolt of 1857, the company rule was abolished and India came under the direct control of the British crown.
Social And Cultural Uprisings (History) - Lecture 23
Social and Religious Reform Movement Social Reform Movement are linked with different ideas including presence of Colonial government, Economic and Social backwardness of society, influence of modern western ideas, rise of intellectual awakening in the middle class and poor position of women in society. British rule in India acted as a catalyst to deep seated social changes. Western culture also influenced the Indian Life and thought in several ways. The most important result of the impact of western culture was the replacement of blind faith in current traditions, beliefs, and conventions by a spirit of rationalism.
Introductory (History) - Lecture 1
Introductory (History)
Stone Age -History of Ancient India (History) - Lecture 2
Ancient History (stone age) Stone age was covered long time of pre historic period. The early stone age includes most basic tool kits of humans. The early evidence of human beings first found in Africa .According to the discovery of oldest tools, This period is divided into 3 parts : 1. Paleolithic( 5Lac .-10000 bc ) 2. Mesolithic( 10000 bc _7000 bc) . 3. Neolithic(7000 bc _4000 bc ) 4. Chalcolithic age Tool kits used by early man was hand axes ,cleavers, choppers , scrappers and burins etc. 1.Which among the following is the longest period In the human history . 1. Mesolithic age 2. Paleolithic age 3. Neolithic age 4. Chalcolithic age Answer : 2 Description - The time period of Paleolithic age (old stone )is 500000 to 10000 bc.Further it divided into 3 parts . 2. First evidence of early human being in India found at 1. Maharashtra 2. In Bihar 3. Punjab 4. Uttar Pradesh Answer : 1 Description - The recent evidence of human beings in India found in bori Maharashtra. 3. When among the following period Of stone age first witnessed the domestication of animals . 1. Paleolithic age 2. Chalcolithic age 3. Neolithic age 4. Mesolithic age Answer : 4 Description -Dog was the first domestic animal of stone age. 4. Which among the following places has given the earliest evidence of agriculture in the indian continent. 1. Adamgarh 2.Mehargarh 3.Pratapgarh 4.Bori Answer : 2 Description -Mehargarh lies on kachi plain of Baluchistan, pakistan . 5. Bimbarka places are famous for its.... 1. sculptures 2. Agriculture 3. Rock paintings 4. Temples Answer : 3 Description - Hunting and dancing scenes have been seen at this site. 6. The main occupation of stone age 1. Hunting 2. Fishing 3. Agriculture 4. Animal husbandry Answer : 1 Description - Early man is also known as hunters or food gatherer . 7. A person who has not settled home . 1. Iceman 2. Nomad 3.archaeologist 4.None of these Answer -2 Description- Earlier man was nomad. They took shelter in caves and rocks. 8. The periods of pre history age 1.Stone age 2. Bronze age 3 . Iron age 4. all the above Answer :4 Description - pre- history refers to the period of time before civilisation and writing . 9. Discovery of fire .. 1. Paleolithic age 2. Mesolithic age 3. Neolithic age 4. None of these Answer : 1 Description - Our ancestors invent the fire in lower palaeolithic age . 10. From where the evidence of paleolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic found in sequence ? 1. The narmada valley 2. Krishna valley 3. Tugbhadra velly 4. Balen velly Answer : 4 Description -Balan valley is present in uttar pradesh .
Indus Valley Civilization Part 1 (History) - Lecture 3
Ancient History (stone age) Stone age was covered long time of pre historic period. The early stone age includes most basic tool kits of humans. The early evidence of human beings first found in Africa .According to the discovery of oldest tools, This period is divided into 3 parts : 1. Paleolithic( 5Lac .-10000 bc ) 2. Mesolithic( 10000 bc _7000 bc) . 3. Neolithic(7000 bc _4000 bc ) 4. Chalcolithic age Tool kits used by early man was hand axes ,cleavers, choppers , scrappers and burins etc. 1.Which among the following is the longest period In the human history . 1. Mesolithic age 2. Paleolithic age 3. Neolithic age 4. Chalcolithic age Answer : 2 Description - The time period of Paleolithic age (old stone )is 500000 to 10000 bc.Further it divided into 3 parts . 2. First evidence of early human being in India found at 1. Maharashtra 2. In Bihar 3. Punjab 4. Uttar Pradesh Answer : 1 Description - The recent evidence of human beings in India found in bori Maharashtra. 3. When among the following period Of stone age first witnessed the domestication of animals . 1. Paleolithic age 2. Chalcolithic age 3. Neolithic age 4. Mesolithic age Answer : 4 Description -Dog was the first domestic animal of stone age. 4. Which among the following places has given the earliest evidence of agriculture in the indian continent. 1. Adamgarh 2.Mehargarh 3.Pratapgarh 4.Bori Answer : 2 Description -Mehargarh lies on kachi plain of Baluchistan, pakistan . 5. Bimbarka places are famous for its.... 1. sculptures 2. Agriculture 3. Rock paintings 4. Temples Answer : 3 Description - Hunting and dancing scenes have been seen at this site. 6. The main occupation of stone age 1. Hunting 2. Fishing 3. Agriculture 4. Animal husbandry Answer : 1 Description - Early man is also known as hunters or food gatherer . 7. A person who has not settled home . 1. Iceman 2. Nomad 3.archaeologist 4.None of these Answer -2 Description- Earlier man was nomad. They took shelter in caves and rocks. 8. The periods of pre history age 1.Stone age 2. Bronze age 3 . Iron age 4. all the above Answer :4 Description - pre- history refers to the period of time before civilisation and writing . 9. Discovery of fire .. 1. Paleolithic age 2. Mesolithic age 3. Neolithic age 4. None of these Answer : 1 Description - Our ancestors invent the fire in lower palaeolithic age . 10. From where the evidence of paleolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic found in sequence ? 1. The narmada valley 2. Krishna valley 3. Tugbhadra velly 4. Balen velly Answer : 4 Description -Balan valley is present in uttar pradesh .
Arts of Indus Valley Civilization Part 2 (History) - Lecture 4
The forms of art found from various sites of civilisation include sculptures, seals, pottery, gold ornaments, terracotta figures, etc. Their delineation of human and animal figures was highly realistic in nature. Materials used: Stone, Bronze, Terracotta, Clay etc. Modelling of figures was done in an extremely careful manner.
Vedic Literature (History) - Lecture 5
The Vedic literature consists of four Vedas, namely: Rig Veda, Sama Veda, Yajur Veda, and Atharva Veda. It is the oldest scriptures of Hinduism and the oldest layer of Sanskrit literature. Types of Vedic Literature: 1.Shruti Literature – means ‘to hear’ 2.Smriti Literature - means to be remembered
Buddhism (History) - Lecture 6
Buddhism is one of the world's largest religions. It originated in India in 563–483 B.C.E. with Siddhartha Gautama, and over the next millennia it spread across Asia and the rest of the world. Buddhists believe that human life is a cycle of suffering and rebirth, but that if one achieves a state of enlightenment also called Nirvan.
Jainism (History) - Lecture 7
Jainism traces its spiritual ideas and history through a succession of twenty-four leaders or Tirthankaras.The twenty-fourth tirthankara, Mahavira around 600 BCE.It has two major ancient sub-traditions, Digambaras and Svetambaras, with different views on ascetic practices.The three main pillars of Jainism are ahimsa, anekantavada, and aparigraha.
Magdha Empire - Pre Mauryan Age (History) - Lecture 8
Pre Mauryan Age The material advantages brought about by the use of the iron implements in Eastern UP and Bihar in 6th century BC helped in the formation of large territorial states. Use of iron tools in agriculture produced surplus. Thus, many Janapadas sprung up in 6th century BC, the larger of which were called Mahajanapadas.
Mauryan Empire (History) - Lecture 9
The Mauryan Dynasty Origin Mudraraksha- Vrishal/Kulhina (of low clan). Buddhist tradition as- Kshatriya Puranas -Moriya clan (low caste) Junagarh rock inscription of Rudradaman (AD 150)- Vaishya origin.
Ashoka (History) - Lecture 10
Ashoka (History)
North Indian Dynasties (History) - Lecture 11
In the south the Satavahana Empire appeared with their specific coinage. The unified coinage, made of punch-marked coins, also broke up. Main Dynasties of post Mauryan age : Sunga dynasty Kanwa dynasty Satvahan Dynasty Central Asian dynasties
Gupta Age (History) - Lecture 12
The Age of Gupta The fall of Kushana empire towards the middle of AD third century led to the establishment of the Empire of Guptas Their period is generally regarded as the golden age of Hinduism. Guptas belonged to the Vaishya caste. Sri Gupta was the founder of Gupta dynasty. Sri Gupta was followed by his son Ghatotkacha and he was followed by son Chandragupta. Both used the simple title of Maharaja.
Harsha Vardhan Dynasties (History) - Lecture 13
Harsha and His Times Pushyabhuti/Vardhana Dynasty Harsha belonged to Pushyabhuti dynasty, which ruled from Thaneswar. Pushyabhuti were feudatories of Guptas, but had assumed independence after Hunas invasion. Prabhakar Vardhana (AD 580-605) was its first important ruler succeeded by Rajyavardhan (AD 605-606).
Kingdoms of North (History) - Lecture 14
Kingdoms of the North (AD 800-1200) The post Gupta age in Northern India was mainly an age of small kingdoms. There were three large kingdoms in the period (AD 750 to 1000) the Palas, the Pratiharas and the Rashtrakutas, which continually fought each-other and tried to gain control over Northern India.
Delhi Sultanate (History) - Lecture 15
The Delhi Sultanate refers to the five short-lived Muslim kingdoms of Turkic and Pashtun (Afghan) origin that ruled the territory of Delhi between 1206 and 1526 CE. Slave dynasty (1206-90 AD) Khilji dynsty (1290-1320AD) Tuglaq dynasty (1320-1414AD) Lodi dynasty (1451-1526AD)
Religious Movement & Bhakti Movement (History) - Lecture 16
Religious Movement Bhakti Movement The Bhakti movement which stressed mystical union of the individual with God had been initiated in South India by popular saint poets called Alvars who represented emotional side of Vaishnavism through collective songs called Prabandhas.
Mughal Empire (History) - Lecture 17
The Mughal emperors built and ruled the Mughal Empire on the Indian subcontinent, mainly corresponding to the modern countries of India, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh. The Mughals began to rule parts of India from 1526, and by 1700 .Babar was the founder of mughal empire in india .
Shivaji (History) - Lecture 18
Chhatrapati Shivaji, was an Indian ruler and a member of the Bhonsle Maratha clan.Over the course of his life, Shivaji engaged in both alliances and hostilities with the Mughal Empire, the Sultanate of Golkonda, Sultanate of Bijapur and the Portuguese colonial power.
Important National Activities (History) - Lecture 24
The Indian independence movement was a series of historic events with the ultimate aim of ending British rule in India. The first nationalistic revolutionary movement for Indian independence emerged from Bengal. It later took root in the newly formed Indian National Congress with prominent moderate.
Second World War and the National Movements (History) - Lecture 25
Lord Linlithgow declared India to be at war without the prior assent of the Central Legislature. The Congress Ministry resigned in the wake of the war. Congress agreed to support Britain only in returns of independence being granted. The viceroy could promise this only after the war. In October-November 1939, the Congress Ministries resigned in protest. The Muslim League observed this as the Deliverence Day .
Advent Of Europeans & Independent States (History MCQs) - Lecture 1
Advent Of Europeans & Independent States (History MCQs)
Revolt Of 1857 (History MCQs) - Lecture 2
Revolt Of 1857 (History MCQs)
Viceroys & Governor General Of India (History MCQs) - Lecture 3
Viceroys & Governor General Of India (History MCQs)
Social & Cultural Upraising In India (History MCQs) - Lecture 4
Social & Cultural Upraising In India (History MCQs)
Important National Activities Part 1 (History MCQs) - Lecture 5
Important National Activities Part 1 (History MCQs)
Important National Activities Part 2 (History MCQs) - Lecture 6
Important National Activities Part 2 (History MCQs)
Post World War 2nd (History MCQs) - Lecture 7
Post World War 2nd (History MCQs)
Sultnat Period (History MCQs) - Lecture 8
Sultnat Period 8 (History MCQs)
Bhakti Movement (History MCQs) - Lecture 9
Bhakti Movement (History MCQs)
Jainism & Buddhism (History MCQs) - Lecture 10
Jainism & Buddhism (History MCQs)
Mughal Empire (History MCQs) - Lecture 11
Mughal Empire (History MCQs)
Shivaji (History MCQs) - Lecture 12
Shivaji (History MCQs)
Sikh Gurus (History MCQs) - Lecture 13
Sikh Gurus (History MCQs)
Indus Valley Civilization (History MCQs) - Lecture 14
Indus Valley Civilization (History MCQs)
Vedic Literature (History MCQs) - Lecture 15
Vedic Literature (History MCQs)
Universe - Lecture 1
The universe is everything. It includes all of space, and all the matter and energy that space contains. It even includes time itself and, of course, it includes you. Earth and the Moon are part of the universe, as are the other planets and their many dozens of moons.
Solar System - Lecture 2
The solar system comprises the sun, 8 planets their moon and other non stellar objects . The sun is at the centre of the solar system and all the planets rolled around it in elliptical orbit . The sun is the nearest star to the earth .The plants are classified in 2 types inner planets and outer plants .Mercury, venus ,earth ,mars are the inner planets .
Ocean - Lecture 3
The ocean (also the sea or the world ocean) is the body of salt water that covers approximately 70.8% of the surface of Earth and contains 97% of Earth's water.[1] Another definition is "any of the large bodies of water into which the great ocean is divided".[2] Separate names are used to identify five different areas of the ocean.
Cyclone - Lecture 4
Cyclones In meteorology, a cyclone is a large scale air mass that rotates around a strong center of low atmospheric pressure, counterclockwise in the Northern Hemisphere and clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere .
Geographical Terms - Lecture 5
In geography we learn about origin of universe ,mountains ,lakes ,rivers ,glaciers In this chapter we learnt about so many geographical terms like apogee perigee aphilian perihelion So here are some mcq related this chapter
Dames of India - Lecture 6
Dams of india Description - In this lecture we will learn The concept of the dams of india with tricks . The location of dam is very important topic So with the tricks we will learn the river and the state of a dam
WIND - Lecture 7
Winds Wind is the movement of air, caused by the uneven heating of the Earth by the sun and the Earth's own rotation. There are 3 types of winds- trade winds,Westerly winds, easterlies winds.
Geography of India - Lecture 8
Geography of India Longitude and latitude of india /Tropic of cancer states/Physical features of india/ Himalaya/Plaines of india /Peninsular plateau of india /Coastal plains of india /location of India geographical facts of India/ map of india with sources/islands of India/Thar desert/Geographical regions of india /Size of india /Neighbouring countries of india
Volcanism - Lecture 9
Volcanism is the eruption of molten rock (magma) onto the surface of a planet. A volcano is the vent through which magma and gases are discharged. Magma that reaches the surface is called “lava.” Volcanos are named for Vulcan — the Roman god of fire!
Layers of Atmosphere - Lecture 10
The layers of atmosphere The composition and characteristics of the atmosphere Of the earth vary with height from the surface . Temperature pressure and intensity of the most important characteristics of the atmosphere that vary with altitude .On the basis of the thermal and other characteristics the atmosphere can be divided into a number of almost concentric layers .
International Boundaries - Lecture 11
International boundaries Description - In this lecture we will learn international boundaries with very interesting tricks .It national boundaries are very important topic .With the help of tricks we can learn easily these international boundaries .
The Eclipse - Lecture 12
An eclipse occurs when one heavenly body such as a moon or planet moves into the shadow of another heavenly body. Let's learn about the two types of eclipses on Earth. What Is a Lunar Eclipse? The Moon moves in an orbit around Earth. At the same time, Earth orbits the Sun.
Earthquake - Lecture 13
An earthquake Description -An earthquake (also known as a quake, tremor or temblor) is the shaking of the surface of the Earth resulting from a sudden release of energy in the Earth's lithosphere that creates seismic waves.
Structure of Earth - Lecture 14
The structure of the earth is divided into four major components: the crust, the mantle, the outer core, and the inner core. Each layer has a unique chemical composition, physical state, and can impact life on Earth's surface.
Lakes of India - Lecture 15
Lakes of india- In this lecture we are going to learn the lakes of india in very entertaining manner .With these tricks you can easily learn all the lakes of india .In this lecture we learn the lakes with their states .
Rocks - Lecture 16
There are three kinds of rock: igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic. Igneous rocks form when molten rock (magma or lava) cools and solidifies. Sedimentary rocks originate when particles settle out of water or air, or by precipitation of minerals from water. They accumulate in layers.
Ocean's Currents - Lecture 17
Ocean currents are the continuous, predictable, directional movement of seawater driven by gravity, wind (Coriolis Effect), and water density. Ocean water moves in two directions: horizontally and vertically. Horizontal movements are referred to as currents, while vertical changes are called upwellings or downwellings.
Number System Part 1 - Lecture 1
A number system is defined as a system of writing to express numbers. It is the mathematical notation for representing numbers of a given set by using digits or other symbols in a consistent manner. It provides a unique representation of every number and represents the arithmetic and algebraic structure of the figures.
Square and Cube Root Part 1 - Lecture 4
Similarly, to find the cube root of any number we need to find a number which when multiplied three times by itself gives the original number. Symbol: The square root is denoted by the symbol '√', whereas the cube root is denoted by '∛'.
Square and Cube Root Part 2 - Lecture 5
Similarly, to find the cube root of any number we need to find a number which when multiplied three times by itself gives the original number. Symbol: The square root is denoted by the symbol '√', whereas the cube root is denoted by '∛'.
Simplification Part 2 - Lecture 7
Simplify is to make something less complicated or less cluttered. An example of simplify is when you explain a tough math concept in really easy terms for a child to understand. An example of simplify is when you cut out a lot of the activities that were making you busy and stressed.
Simple Interest - Lecture 12
Simple Interest (S.I.) is the method of calculating the interest amount for a particular principal amount of money at some rate of interest. For example, when a person takes a loan of Rs. 5000, at a rate of 10 p.a. for two years, the person's interest for two years will be S.I. on the borrowed money.
Number System Part 2 - Lecture 2
A number system is defined as a system of writing to express numbers. It is the mathematical notation for representing numbers of a given set by using digits or other symbols in a consistent manner. It provides a unique representation of every number and represents the arithmetic and algebraic structure of the figures.
Simplification Part 1 - Lecture 6
Simplification of an algebraic expression can be defined as the process of writing an expression in the most efficient and compact form without affecting the value of the original expression. The process entails collecting like terms, which implies adding or subtracting terms in an expression.
Simplification Part 3 - Lecture 8
Simplify is to make something less complicated or less cluttered. An example of simplify is when you explain a tough math concept in really easy terms for a child to understand. An example of simplify is when you cut out a lot of the activities that were making you busy and stressed.
Compound Interest - Lecture 13
Compound Interest - When you add money to a savings account or a similar account, you receive interest based on the amount that you deposited. For example, if you deposit $1,000 in an account that pays 1 percent annual interest, you'd earn $10 in interest after a year.
LCM and HCF - Lecture 3
The H.C.F. defines the greatest factor present in between given two or more numbers, whereas L.C.M. defines the least number which is exactly divisible by two or more numbers. H.C.F. is also called the greatest common factor (GCF) and LCM is also called the Least Common Divisor.
Percentage - Lecture 9
Percentage - In mathematics, a percentage is a number or ratio that represents a fraction of 100. It is often denoted by the symbol "%" or simply as "percent" or "pct." For example, 35% is equivalent to the decimal 0.35, or the fraction.
Mixture - Lecture 14
A mixture is defined as the result of combining two or more substances, such that each maintains its chemical identity. In other words, a chemical reaction does not occur between components of a mixture. Examples include combinations of salt and sand, sugar and water, and blood.
Profit and Loss - Lecture 10
A profit and loss (P&L) statement is a financial report that provides a summary of a company's revenue, expenses and profit. It gives investors and other interested parties an insight into how a company is operating and whether it has the ability to generate a profit.
Time and Work - Lecture 15
The basic concept of Time and Work is similar to that across all Arithmetic topics, i.e. the concept of Proportionality. Efficiency is inversely proportional to the Time taken when the amount of work done is constant.
Ratio and Proportion - Lecture 11
The ratio is defined to be the relationship between the quantities with the same unit. On the other hand, proportion is defined to be a comparative relation between two ratios.
Time and Distance - Lecture 16
Time is directly proportional to distance. It means that speed remains constant, if we have two vehicles moving two distances for two different time duration then the time is directly proportional to the distance. Speed is directly proportional to distance.
Average - Lecture 17
1 : a number that is calculated by adding quantities together and dividing the total by the number of quantities : arithmetic mean An average of 20 students are in each class. 2 : something usual in a group, class, or series His grades have been better than average.
Statistics - Lecture 18
Statistics is the discipline that concerns the collection, organization, analysis, interpretation, and presentation of data. In applying statistics to a scientific, industrial, or social problem, it is conventional to begin with a statistical population or a statistical model to be studied.
Probability - Lecture 19
Probability is simply how likely something is to happen. Whenever we're unsure about the outcome of an event, we can talk about the probabilities of certain outcomes—how likely they are. The analysis of events governed by probability is called statistics.
Punjab GK - Lecture 7
ਪੰਜਾਬ ਦੀਆਂ ਲੋਕ ਖੇਡਾਂ
Punjab GK - Lecture 8
ਪੰਜਾਬ ਦੇ ਮਹੱਤਵਪੂਰਨ ਪੁਰਸਕਾਰ ਅਤੇ ਲੇਖਕ
Punjab GK - Lecture 9
ਪੰਜਾਬ ਦੇ ਮੇਲੇ ਅਤੇ ਤਿਉਹਾਰ
Punjab GK - Lecture 10
ਪੰਜਾਬ ਦੇ ਰਸਮਾਂ ਰਿਵਾਜ਼
Punjab GK - Lecture 11
ਪੰਜਾਬ ਦੇ ਲੋਕ ਨਾਚ ਅਤੇ ਨਕਲਾਂ
Punjab GK Introductory - Lecture 1
Punjab GK Introductory
Punjab GK - Lecture 2
ਸਾਹਿਤ ਦੇ ਰੂਪ
Punjab GK - Lecture 3
ਸਿੱਖ ਗੁਰੂ ਸਾਹਿਬਾਨਾਂ ਦੀ ਜੀਵਨੀ
Punjab GK - Lecture 4
ਸਿੱਖ ਗੁਰੂ ਸਾਹਿਬਾਨਾਂ ਦੀ ਜੀਵਨੀ ਅਤੇ ਮਹੱਤਵਪੂਰਨ ਪ੍ਰਸ਼ਨ
Punjab GK - Lecture 5
ਪੰਜਾਬ ਦਾ ਸੱਭਿਆਚਾਰ ਅਤੇ ਲੋਕ ਕਲਾਵਾਂ
Punjab GK - Lecture 6
ਪੰਜਾਬ ਦੀ ਭੂਗੋਲਿਕ ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ ਅਤੇ ਵਪਾਰ
Punjab GK - Lecture 12
ਪੰਜਾਬ ਬਾਰੇ ਸੰਖੇਪ ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ
Punjab GK - Lecture 13
ਪੰਜਾਬੀ ਲੋਕ ਸਾਹਿਤ
Punjab GK - Lecture 14
ਮਹਾਰਾਜਾ ਰਣਜੀਤ ਸਿੰਘ ਮੁੱਢਲਾ ਜੀਵਨ ਅਤੇ ਸਿੱਖ ਰਾਜ ਦਾ ਵਿਸਥਾਰ
ਕਵਿਤਾ ਦੇ ਤੱਤ - Lecture 1
ਕਵਿਤਾ ਦੇ ਤੱਤ
ਪੰਜਾਬੀ ਭਾਸ਼ਾ ਤੇ ਵਿਆਕਰਣ - Lecture 2
ਪੰਜਾਬੀ ਭਾਸ਼ਾ ਤੇ ਵਿਆਕਰਣ
ਸ਼ਬਦ ਬੋਧ - Lecture 3
ਸ਼ਬਦ ਬੋਧ
ਵਾਕ ਬੋਧ - Lecture 4
ਵਾਕ ਬੋਧ
ਅਰਥ ਬੋਧ - Lecture 5
ਅਰਥ ਬੋਧ
ਸ਼ਬਦ ਸ਼੍ਰੇਣੀਆ Part 1 - Lecture 6
ਸ਼ਬਦ ਸ਼੍ਰੇਣੀਆ
ਸ਼ਬਦ ਸ਼੍ਰੇਣੀਆ Part 2 - Lecture 7
ਸ਼ਬਦ ਸ਼੍ਰੇਣੀਆ
Punjabi Pedagogy - Lecture 8
Punjabi Pedagogy
Indian Economy MCQ Lecture - 1
Indian Economy MCQ Lecture - 1
Indian Economy MCQ Lecture - 2
Indian Economy MCQ Lecture - 2
Indian Economy MCQ Lecture - 3
Indian Economy MCQ Lecture - 3
Indian Economy MCQ Lecture - 4
Indian Economy MCQ Lecture - 4
Indian Economy MCQ Lecture - 5
Indian Economy MCQ Lecture - 5
Indian Economy MCQ Lecture - 6
Indian Economy MCQ Lecture - 6
Indian Economy MCQ Lecture - 7
Indian Economy MCQ Lecture - 7
Indian Economy MCQ Lecture - 8
Indian Economy MCQ Lecture - 8
Indian Economy MCQ Lecture - 9
Indian Economy MCQ Lecture - 9
Indian Economy MCQ Lecture - 10
Indian Economy MCQ Lecture - 10
Indian Economy MCQ Lecture - 11
Indian Economy MCQ Lecture - 11
Indian Economy MCQ Lecture - 11
Indian Economy MCQ Lecture - 11
Indian Economy MCQ Lecture - 12
Indian Economy MCQ Lecture - 12
Indian Economy MCQ Lecture - 13
Indian Economy MCQ Lecture - 13
General Science Questions Lecture - 1
General Science Questions Lecture - 1
General Science MCQ Lecture - 2
General Science MCQ Lecture - 2
General Science MCQ Lecture - 3
General Science MCQ Lecture - 3
General Science MCQ Lecture - 4
General Science MCQ Lecture - 4
General Science MCQ Lecture - 6
General Science MCQ Lecture - 6
General Science MCQ Lecture - 7
General Science MCQ Lecture - 7


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Topics will be covered from Basics to High Level ensuring that all  students come up with the topic in one go with proper practice questions based on the Latest Pattern with explanation in Punjabi , English & Hindi. 

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